Consulting Testimonials

"I have known Nigel for over 15 years. Firstly as a colleague at BRE and subsequently working together on a number of projects including the jointly authored Improving Office Prodcutivity book. He is a very astute applied psychologist and has a unique bank of experience of evaluating and delivering effective workplaces." 

Paul Bartlett, Office Productivity Network


"Nigel is an experienced Workplace Consultant who I have known for many years and is an inquisitive, thought-provoking individual who is a pleasure to work with. Nigel is always looking to apply his intelligence and experience, particularly in the psychological aspects of workplaces, in new and imaginative ways."

Philip Tidd, Gensler


"The Workplace Trends series of conferences is the brainchild of Dr Oseland. Each year he attracts a loyal international audience by bringing together a programme of speakers at the forefront of workplace inovation. The conference is now in its 10th year and likely to continue its success."

Maggie Procopi, Merlin Events & Marketing

“Nigel is by far one of the best speakers we work with. He has a knowledge level and delivery style second to none. His presentations contain quality research-led insights which are thought provoking and always ensure a high value experience for the audience.”

Paige Hodsman, Concept Development Manager UK and IE, Ecophon

“We received lots of positive feedback from our attendees and sponsors praising the presentations given by our keynote speaker Dr Nigel Oseland. Nigel gave two presentations at the Workplace Design Conference and expertly moderated the panel discussion which also received rave reviews. The people in the audience were immediately interested in his ideas, they were clearly entertained and inspired and learned many practical, actionable steps. Nigel's programmes were the highlight of our conference.”

Bostjan Erzen, Director, Workplace Design Conference